Doing business with people you
know, like and trust!
For this reason we suggest to newcomers to come and join our group for one visit to see what we are about.
Deer Valley Connections is open to one member representing each industry type.
For more information contact
Jason Kahler
(623) 414-2127
[email protected]
Membership shall consist only of active members who are business professionals of outstanding reputation and integrity.
Only one member shall be permitted from each trade or business. That member will only promote the approved area of business to the group.
Each member is expected to attend all regular meetings. However, an alternate may represent the member from time to time on a limited basis. However, if a “Company” desires to replace an existing member or an alternate’s attendance becomes regular, then such person must also satisfy the requirements of membership
If a member is absent for two consecutive meetings, or otherwise excessively absent, that person will be deemed to no longer be a member and that business category will be open for new membership.
Licenses – If the profession of the applicant requires licensing to practice legally, the applicant must have and produce a current license.
Membership dues are $30.00 per quarter and $50 one-time setup fee. If a membership lapses for over 30 days, the member will become inactive and the member may re-activate their membership (within 3 months) for a re-instatement fee of $25 plus dues. After 3 months, the member will make application as a “New Member”. Dues are payable to First Class Green Cleaning
Right of Refusal – The Application Committee has the right to refuse membership to an applicant that does not meet the requirements, or that is found to be unprofessional, and or a possible conflict with a current member.
Complaints & Removal – If any Deer Valley Connections member receives three “strikes” within one year of the first complaint, their membership(s) will be revoked without membership fee(s) refunded.
The member will be allowed to re-apply for membership after one year.